Last words before the final hour….

  1. Let's cross the street here.
  2. That tastes strange.
  3. It seems an open turn.
  4. What did you say happens if I press this button.
  5. What safety pin?
  6. Good dogie…
  8. I thought it was an aspirin
  9. Are you talking to me?
  10. Did he say 5 or 50 grams of TNT?
  11. I am going to name this bike "The flying bullet"
  12. Calm down ladies and gentleman, there is no bomb.
  13. Where is my parachute?
  14. Do you smell gas?
  15. I' ll show who swims better.
  16. Let's sit under this tree until the rain stops.
  17. What's wrong with feeding lions.
  18. Let's risk it.
  19. We are safe here.
  20. I am late again , my father is going to kill me.
  21. Yes, I turned the power off.
  22. Only over my dead body.
  23. Carefull with your grandpa's shotgun.
  24. I think I show a warning sign ahead.
